Our Customers

Here below are some selected Eventsoft customers, we hope to count you soon among them.
Do not hesitate to contact us!

Novelty Group

Logo Novelty Group

Partner in the first days of Eventsoft, the Novelty Group specializes in technical event delivery, sound, lighting, video projection, stage structure and electrical distribution. The group’s various subsidiaries manage their temporary and full time employees schedules with Eventsoft: staff, employment contracts, vehicles, availability, wages, payrolls, schedules, equipment, tours, runs…

GL Events

Logo GL Events

GL Events, the world’s leading event group, brings together several companies specialized in the organization of events, event management, services for trade fairs, congresses and events, furniture rental, rental of tents and structures: GL Audio, Jaulin, Fonction meuble, Lyon Convention Center... GL Events Group’s subsidiaries use Eventsoft to manage their schedules, their temporary and full-time staff, hostesses, paperwork (employment contracts, DUE) as well as wages export and payrolls.


Logo PRG

Formerly Procon, PRG (Production Resource Group) is the world’s leading event technology provider. PRG uses Eventsoft on a daily basis within its production division to manage its temporary staff schedules, wages and payrolls, equipment, employment contracts…


Logo Videlio

Videlio Group is specialized in creating professional short clips and videos, dedicated to public and private organisations, in France and abroad. Videlio uses Eventsoft on a daily basis to manage its full-time and part-time employees, vehicles, runs and tours and paperwork (employment contracts, DUE...). Videlio recently implemented the electronic signature of employment contracts via Eventsoft.

Art-Event Group

Logo Art-Event Group

Gathered around the companies Art-Event, Art-Systems and Phiapaline, Art-Event Group is specialized in event structure, decoration and furniture rental. The group has been using Eventsoft for many years to organize its full-time, part-time and subcontractor staff, its equipment, its vehicles, wages export at the end of the month as well as several paperworks (employment contracts, DUE...)

Alive Groupe

Logo Alive Groupe

With Alive Events, specialised in audiovisual equipment rental as well as event technical services, and Alive Technology, specialised in stage and audiovisual equipment installation, the group uses Eventsoft to manage its full-time and part-time staff, subcontractors, vehicles, races and tours, wages and paperwork (employment contracts, DUE...)


Logo Aquila

As a sound, light, video and digital service provider, Aquila uses Eventsoft to plan its technical services and organize the management of its business: intermittent staff, equipment, vehicles, wages and payments, employment contracts, DUE...). Aquila uses the dematerialisation of work contracts and the electronic signature via our partner Coffreo.


Logo Aktuel

Aktuel is an event provider specialized in furniture rental, tableware and food supplies. With EventSoft, the company manages their runs and tours schedules, drivers schedules, planning of the races and the rounds of vehicles, the planning of the drivers, roadmap sheet printings, deliveries, client signatures and paperwork sendings (DPAE, employment contracts) as well as all the functionalities needed regarding their vehicle fleet.


Logo Impact

Impact is specialized in stage equipment (light, sound, video, structure and electrical distribution). Eventsoft organizes the planning of their services, the management of their full-time and temporary staff, their vehicles, runs and tours, payroll data export at the end of the month, automatic entry of wages and paperwork (DUE, employment contracts...).


Logo Millenium

Millenium is an industrial cleaning company specialized in trade shows, fairs, events and offices cleaning. Eventsoft integrates the export of wages at the end of the month, the management of full-time and part-time staff, the events schedules, staff availability, paperwork (employment contracts, DUE...) and the payroll data automatic entry.

MPM Audio

Logo MPM Audio

MPM Audio is specialized in audio, video and lighting equipment rental and sale. Eventsoft organizes their events schedule, the payroll data entry as well as their part time and full time staff management, equipment, wages at the end of the month and paperwork (employment contracts, DUE, AEM...).

Contact SARL

Logo Contact SARL

Contact SARL operates in sound, lighting, image, structure and energy for all types of events. Eventsoft integrates a gateway from the Locasyst software allowing them to manage their hardware directly on Eventsoft, as well as their events schedules, staff management,, vehicles and paperwork (work contracts, DUE...).

Groupe Butard Enescot

Logo Groupe Butard Enescot

The Butard Enescot Group is a caterer and a tailor-made events organizer (weddings, venues, receptions...), Business caterer with its subsidiary Raynier Marchetti and reception venues via its subsidiary Société des Pavillons Parisiens: Pavillon d'Armenonville and France Amérique. The group organizes their events schedules, laboratory schedule and its hotel masters, cooks, servers, clerks... management from Eventsoft. The event management software also allows them to automate their paperwork (employment contracts, DUE, payrolls...) and to extract the wages at the end of the month. The group uses the dematerialisation of employment contracts and electronic signature via our partner Coffreo.

Potel & Chabot

Logo Potel & Chabot

Parisian luxury catering company, Potel et Chabot creates events on the international scene and uses Eventsoft to be at its side in its daily adventure by ensuring the events and laboratory schedules, full-time and part-time staff management (hotel masters, cooks, clerks, waiters...), paperworks (employment contracts, DUE, payrolls...) and automatic entry of wages.


Logo LeNôtre

Lenôtre is a subsidiary of the Sodexo Group. Lenôtre organizes cocktails, dinners, meals and other services during study days, conventions, corporate or private events. The company uses Eventsoft on a daily routine for its various events schedule, full-time and part-time staff management, the automatic entry of payrolls as well as the paperwork (employment contracts, DUE...).

Fleurs de Mets

Logo Fleurs de Mets

Born in 2003, FLEUR DE METS is today one of the major catering organizers of reception in the French capital. It is a subsidiary of the Coser Group, established in France and Belgium and specialised in catering, gastronomic retail and event management. Positioned in the event reception and exhibition & congress markets, FLEUR DE METS has developed a powerful and renovated production tool that allows it to organize events of more than 5,000 people

Ifores / Standup

Logo Ifores / Standup

The IFORES group, including the Standup security agency, provides all services related to the reception and event security management. Eventsoft is at their side in this mission by organizing their events and managing their permanent and temporary staff, the equipment, the export of wages at the end of the month, the payroll automatic entry as well as the usual paperwork (employment contracts, DUE...).



OLIPS is a security agency working in the fields of mass distribution, live entertainment and local communities. Eventsoft supports OLIPS during the events to ensure the planning, the vehicles, the material, temporary and permanent staff management, professional cards creation, the export of wages, the payrolls automatic entry and the paperwork (employment contracts, DUE...).


Logo S.G.P.S

Specialized in the security of medium and large-scale events, SGPS Séecurity uses Eventsoft to schedule their events, manage their equipment and their temporary staff, the paperwork (employment contracts, DUE, personnel register...), automatic entry of pay and wages export at the end of the month.



The companies S3G Security and Gest 'n SPORT, part of the same group, are specialized in the field of security, based in the Stade de France. Gest'n Sport offers its event security services for major events while S3G diversifies into guarding and surveillance of public and private sites. Eventsoft manages for these two entities: permanent and temporary staff (agents, stadiers, dog handlers, physiognomist) paperwork (employment contracts, DUE...), equipment, wages and events schedule

SQUAD Sécurité

Logo SQUAD Sécurité

As a security agency specialized in protection and surveillance, SQUAD Sécurité uses Eventsoft to support them for all its events. The software allows them to schedule their events, manage their staff and equipment, automate payroll entry, paperwork (employment contracts, DUE...) as well as the export of wages at the end of the month.


Logo Havas

The agencies HAVAS Production, Upside Television and H2O Productions make up the main French news agencies, the reference producers of the major television channels. They use Eventsoft on a daily basis to plan their events, export wages at the end of the month, automate payrolls, manage their staff, rooms, vehicles, equipment and paperwork (employment contracts, DUE...).

AMP Visual TV

Logo AMP Visual TV

The AMP VISUAL TV Group is a provider of television shoots, providing services throughout France. AMP Visual TV uses Eventsoft to manage its events, payroll entries, schedules, permanent and temporary staff, as well as its various venues. The paperwork (employment contracts, DUE...) is automated and the export of wages is carried out at the end of the month.

Groupe Mediatribu

Logo Groupe Mediatribu

Through IVS Technologies, R-Stage, Alternative Development, Anaphi Studio, Prod Me Up, Studio Bahia, Collective Light and Ledbox, the Mediatribu group uses Eventsoft in its daily events management, permanent and temporary staff, vehicles and runs, export of wages and payroll entry as well as paperwork (employment contracts, DUE...).


Logo Videlio

Videlio Group is specialized in creating professional short clips and videos, dedicated to public and private organisations, in France and abroad. Videlio uses Eventsoft on a daily basis to manage its full-time and part-time employees, vehicles, runs and tours and paperwork (employment contracts, DUE...). Videlio recently implemented the electronic signature of employment contracts via Eventsoft.

Groupe CRIT

Logo Groupe CRIT

As the French interim leader, CRIT Group has deployed Eventsoft within its agencies to plan its events, to automate its wages entry, to manage their equipment, permanent and temporary staff as well as their paperwork (employment contracts, DUE...).

Consulting Interim

Logo Consulting Interim

Consulting Intérim is a recruiting agency within the Consulting Group and is specialised in recruitment for the catering and hospitality professions. Eventsoft plans the agency events of and manages its permanent and temporary staff, from the export of wages at the end of the month to the paperwork (employment contracts, DUE...) through the automatic entry of payrolls.

Centre Pompidou Metz

Logo Centre Pompidou Metz

The Centre Pompidou Metz offers exceptional spaces to host private events: conferences, seminars, product launches, fashion shows, public relations operations, breakfasts, cocktails, dinners or prestigious evenings. The Pompidou Metz Center uses Eventsoft on a daily basis to manage the availabilities of its reception rooms as well as the staff associated with these rooms, paperwork (employment contracts, DUE) and the export of payrolls at the end of the month.

Cité de Nantes

Logo Cité de Nantes

The Cité of Nantes is the congress center that hosts economic events as well as concerts and shows. The City of Nantes uses Eventsoft to manage its events, its permanent and temporary staff, its rooms, its equipment, the export of wages at the end of the month, the payrolls automation process as well as the paperwork (employment contracts, DUE...).

Destination Rennes

Logo Destination Rennes

Destination Rennes is a congress center that organizes various large-scale events for the city of Rennes. Eventsoft allows event planning, staff and equipment management, automatic payroll process and payrolls such as employment contracts, for example.

GL Events

Logo GL Events

GL Events, the world leader in events, brings together several companies specialized in the organization of events, event management, services for trade fairs, congresses and events, furniture rental, rental of tents and structures: GL Audio, Jaulin, Furniture function, Lyon Convention Center... The subsidiaries of the GL Events Group use Eventsoft to manage their schedules, their permanent and temporary staff, hostesses, paperwork (employment contracts, DUE) as well as the export of wages and the payrolls automation process.

Departmental Council of Pas de Calais

Logo Departmental Council of Pas de Calais

The events department of the Departmental Council of Pas-De-calais (CD62) uses Eventsoft to schedule the different events in the region as well as the permanent and temporary staff management, equipment and vehicles, rooms, paperwork (DUE, contracts of employment...) as well as exports of wages at the end of the month and automatic payrolls entry.

Essonne General Council

Logo Essonne General Council

The Events Department of the Essonne General Council (CD91) uses the full functionality of Eventsoft to manage the vehicles, equipment and rooms and also schedule the events organised by the Department, paperwork (employment contracts, DPAE...) and the export of wages at the end of the month.

Paris City Hall

Logo Paris City Hall

The Paris City Hall uses Eventsoft to organize its resources at major events such as the EURO 2016 and the 2024 Olympics as well as various sporting gatherings held in Paris. Eventsoft integrates the management of temporary and permanent staff, the planning of the various events, the paperwork (DUE, employment contracts) as well as the automatic entry of payrolls for the Paris City Hall and the export of wages at the end of the month.

Take some time for a trial!

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EventSoft is edited in France by Intrapole, company specialised in web solutions implementation for business management.

4 bis rue George Sand, 91540 MENNECY, FRANCE