Dedicated to event, entertainment and broadcasting companies:
Event Providers, Rental companies, Caterers, Personnel subcontractors, Hostess agencies, Security agencies, TV channels...
Plan your event in real‐time in an intuitive way.
Organize your resources: Staff, vehicles, facilities, equipment, subcontractors...
Automatically generate your paperwork, employment contracts and payroll.
Create your event and easily manage your resources availabilities : Staff, vehicles, material, rooms, equipments…
See and manage all your events activity on several schedules : Events, staff, vehicles, rooms… Share them with you entire crew
EventSoft automatically generates your paperwork : employment declarations, employment contracts, payrolls, attendance records…
Create and personalise your resources databases : Staff, vehicles, materials, rooms… Stock up the necessary files.
Automatically send text messages and emails from your app. Give access to your mobile app.
Connect to your software from anywhere at anytime, on any support:
PC, MAC, tablet, mobile phone.
With EventSoft, your activity management becomes really easy:
Plan your events and organise your resources according to their availabilities
Visualize and share your entire activity using the schedules
EventSoft automatically generate your employment declarations, contracts and payrolls
At the end of the month, export your payroll informations toward your payroll software
Please feel free to contact-us. We can give you access to an online trial version so you can fully appreciate EventSoft features.
I want a trialEventSoft is edited in France by Intrapole, company specialised in web solutions implementation for business management.
4 bis rue George Sand, 91540 MENNECY, FRANCE